Official website for Mark C. Hewitt & Blank Productions

Middle C
Observations on notable use of the middle initial
- a gradually evolving list, gathered through serendipity rather than research

Vivica A. Fox
Penelope A. Lewis
Morton A. Strøksnes
Wayne B. Chandler
Cecil B. DeMille
John B. Kelly
Alexander B. Klots
Lyndon B. Johnson
Alice B. Toklas
Hal B. Wallis
Jack B. Yeats
John C. Becher
Mark C. Hewitt
George C. Parker
John C. Reilly
George C. Scott
Elaine C. Smith
Anthony C. Winkler
Sharon D. Clarke
Alexander D. Great
Michael D. Higgins
Reginald D. Hunter
Ewan D. Rodgers
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Richard D. Stover
Richard E. Grant
Rosemary E. Hensby
Ellen E. Jones
Howard E. Koch
Joseph E. Levine
Karl E. Muller
Asli E. Perker
Mark E. Smith
Verner E. Suomi
Chuck E. Weiss
Matthew E. White
Cary F. Baynes
Leo F. Forbstein
John F. Kennedy
Brian F. O’Byrne
Philip G. Epstein
Harry G. Frankfurt
Andrew G. Marshall
Edward G. Robinson
William H. Bonney
Harry H. Corbett
Milton H Erickson
William H. Macey
Ian H. Watkins
Tony I. Venus
Mary J. Blige
Julius J. Epstein
Michael J. Fox
Billy J. Kramer
Herman J. Mankiewicz
Edward J. Smith
Lauren K. Alleyne
Philip K. Dick
Jerome K. Jerome
Samuel L. Jackson
Dorothy L. Sayers
Iain M. Banks
James M. Cain
George M. Cohan
Maria M. Delgado
Charles M. Jones
François M. Norris
Robert M. Pirsig
Geoffrey M. Saxty
Lynne M. Thompson
Iwan M. Williams
Frank O. Gehry
David O. Selznick
Micah P. Hinson
Geraldine R. Dodge
David R. Pert
Edward R. Tufte
Mark S. Aaron
Pearl S. Buck
William S. Burroughs
Edward S. Curtis
Walter S. Gibson
Glenys S. Lunt
Frank S. Nugent
Hunter S. Thompson
Harry S. Truman
Barry X. Ball
Rodney X. Sharkey
George W. Bush
Alfred W. Crosby
Charles W. Neville
Alan W. Watts

Fictional use of the middle initial
Johnny B. Goode
Rab C. Nesbitt
Charles F. Smith
Jesus H. Christ
Hollis I. Mulwray
William T. Riker
George S. Aronovitz
James T. Kirk
Howard W. Campbell Jnr
Henry X. Harper